Take steps to find out how much energy you use and how much money you save from using the best practices. Sharing this information is a great way to get buy-in from others in your area. Use these tools to get started.
Online Energy Saving Calculator
Provided by 1E
Answer a few simple questions about your area's desktop power management to calculate energy savings per year in dollars or equivalencies such as cars removed from the road or trees needed to absorb the same amount of CO2.
ENERGY STAR Power Management Savings Calculator
Provided by ENERGY STAR
Calculate the savings you can realize by purchasing ENERGY STAR qualified computers and monitors and implementing power management features. Just add input the data specific to your environment into the spreadsheet and get back the results!
Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator
Provided by The Center for Clean Products
Quantify the environmental benefits of purchasing EPEAT-registered products.
The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator (Provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.) is a handy online tool that allows you to determine the environmental impact of your energy use.
Using the measurements taken with a Kill A Watt®, you can input the kilowatt hours of electricity used by your devices. The calculator then converts your usage into environmental impact in different ways—from trees to barbeques and from cars to homes.